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Monday, May 20, 2024  |  Portraits

Lords Valley, PA Family Session of Ana, Ryan, Kirill & Amelia

I had the best time meeting this family at their weekend home in Pennsylvania. What a beautiful location! The Fall foliage served to enhance an already gorgeous scene.

Anastasia and Ryan have two of the most adorable children. Kirill and Amelia have such a great relationship Kirill is the best big brother to Amelia and she adores him! It was so easy for me to capture the essence of the fun they have together. I am so happy they will have these photographs of this time together.

Children grow up so quickly. I am honored that I get to be a part of freezing these moments and preserving their childhood in photos that can be handed down from generation to generation.

These photographs are for Kirill and Amelia to hang on to as valuable heirlooms connecting them to this time in their lives, with their unique personalities and expressions.

Thank you Ana and Ryan for letting me photograph your family at this precious time in your lives. It was a great joy for me!

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