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Monday, July 15, 2024  |  Portraits

Central Park Session of the A Family : NY Family Photographer

This time of year, I come up for air every now and then and realize that I haven't put a blog up in a very long time. I am so thankful that work has been incredibly busy but I have definitely been neglecting the blog.

Well, here I am with a session from the Fall in Central Park! Meet Sandra, Racim, Ines, Keria, and little Sofia. What a gorgeous family!

I knew as soon as they walked around the corner, I was in for a treat. They brought their A game - all smiles and happiness, and incredible fashion sense. How could I miss!

I love meeting new, happy, beautiful people in great locations. It really is hard to call this work, haha!

Thank you all for being incredible to photograph. You have such a great family!

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